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sovereign soul medicine

    So by now, you have probably realized that this is not your everyday interior design blog. And I’m probably not what pops into your mind when you think of an interior designer. You see, my background is in health and wellness. I deeply believe that I am meant to bring healing into the […]

The Element of Connection Series : Creating a Healthy Energy Exchange with your Home

Connection series

October 8, 2019

succulents and florals in a nature path

  From the moment Spring arrived, I have felt the pull of the outdoors. I have been beckoned in my spirit to come closer to the Earth, to bury my hands in her soil, and to take notice of her sweetly scented breeze. In fact, it was these feelings that led me to write the […]

The Element of Connection Series: How I connect with Nature

awakened living

August 3, 2019

Follow my blog with Bloglovin     Of all the connections that could be gained, I count this one as possibly the most rewarding. Our relationship with ourselves serves as a mirror for how we view and relate to the world around us. To see possibilities in others, we first see the possibilities in ourselves.  […]

The Element of Connection Series : How I Find Realignment & Connection Within Myself

Connection series

July 12, 2019


and when you appear all the rivers sound in my body, bells shake the sky, and a hymn fills the world.
