A sacred space; The holiest part of a temple; a place of refuge or rest
These candles are a bridge to the sanctuary that lies within you. Burn them as you would any candle. Anoint yourself in ritual. Wear as your own healing fragrance. Or massage your body (or your partners) with this high frequency massage / body oil.
Welcome love.
To a place where your soul can find refuge.
A place where you can reconnect to your worth and to the sacred experience of your life.
A place where your sovereign choice to recognize yourself as sacred is potent medicine.
Where your very essence is alive and well.
To a place where belief in your sovereign nature and in your ability to heal
are held with steadfast certainty.
Welcome to your BODY.
Let us light a candle in your honor.
Let us adorn your sanctuary in the sweetest perfume.
And vibrate with the reweaving of you
Mind to Spirit, Light to Breathe
And of all to Body