devotionally & ritually attuned
virgin coconut soy candle
Reclaiming sensuality as sacred and our bodies as home.
I trust the power of sensation in my body. It is my most honest DNA being allowed passage to life.
When we awaken to the knowing that numbness is not a viable option for truly being alive, we stand at the threshold of a path who teaches us that to partake in the joys of life more fully - we also must open to feeling 'all' that life offers. Beloved can be a wonderful ally on this journey, helping to direct prana into the spaces that crave connectivity, conductivity, and most of all, our capacity to feel, receive, and give love (to ourselves as well as others).
Patchouli supports us in being fully present with our physical bodies through its grounding and stabilizing nature. And in doing so, patchouli inherently supports our connection to the Earth. This plant spirit helps us to acknowledge, heal from, and release distorted thinking about one's body and prepares the spirit and body for deeper union.
Known as the oil of sexual harmony, Cinnamon encourages surrender, honesty, and vulnerability so that true intimacy can be nurtured. Her fiery yet sweet & protective nature are perhaps the exact qualities that solicit the safety required for intimacy to exist. She can also rekindle dampened sexual energy & is rooted in traditions of love and money magic.
Rose is known as the oil of Divine Love. Rose helps us to access the portal of our hearts as its own unique universe within us that connects us to the greater whole, to our Divinity even. She is the flower who teaches us to surrender and also what it means to exist with an open heart.
Grapefruit teaches us to honor our physical bodies. It inspires a positive relationship with the body through true nourishment by helping us attune to our bodies voice so that our true needs can be met.
Plums presence here is purely sensual as its scent is intoxicating, invoking a feeling of freedom to explore a wildly pleasurable dream life
Like black pepper, her energy corresponds to fire. Unlike her relation though, her heat is less aggressive & masculine yet every bit as strong, with her warmth tempered by compassion and sensuality. The oil of equality and mutual celebration helps to quell critical attitudes towards the self and others.